Simón Vázquez

Senior Lecturer

Area of Immunology
Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology

Contact information

Faculty of Biology
Edificio de Ciencias Experimentais
Bloque C, Floor 1, Despacho 34

As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 812 626

Short CV

Dr. Rosana Simón-Vázquez (PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) is an expert in nanomaterials with experience on characterization of structure and dynamics of transport proteins using protein engineering and biophysical techniques. She joined the laboratory of Immunology at the University of Vigo in 2010 and she has studied the activation pathways in cells, and conformational changes in human plasma proteins, both induced by nanoparticles. From May 2014 to April 2016 she joined the group of Particulate and Cellular Engineering for Therapeutic Purposes at the Institut Galien, University of Paris-Sud, as a postdoctoral fellow to work in the synthesis of polymeric nanoparticles for glucocorticoid delivery in rheumatoid arthritis. She is now working in the development of new vaccine prototypes based on nanostructures for preventive and therapeutic purposes.


Teaching profile at UVigo

2nd term

Grao en Química

V11G201V01419 | Immunochemistry

Master in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

V11M188V01206 | Nanotoxicoloxía e ecotoxicoloxía


Researching profile at UVigo

Research group
