PhD Programme in Chemical Science and Technology

Coordinator: Belén Vaz Araújo

The PhD Programme in Chemical Science and Technology is an interdisciplinary programme in Chemistry which enables to prepare from the theoretical and practical point of view students interested in achieving the necessary competences and skills to generate chemical knowledge in research laboratories and/or in a wide range of economical-social fields related with Chemistry, as well as contributing to the information and knowledge society, contributing to its creation in the field of Chemistry, all of this as a result of the offer of a wide and diverse range of research lines, as well as an also wide and diverse variety of director.

Participating universities:

  • University of Vigo
  • University of Santiago de Compostela (coordinator)

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PhD Programme in Colloid and Interface Science and Technology

Coordinator: Juan Pablo Hervés Beloso

The Colloid and Interface Science plays a key role in fields as different as food, chemist, cosmetics, new materials, nanotechnology, etc. These fields are among the most actives regarding technological innovation projects development and, therefore, among those which can take more PhDs in the close future. The Supramolecular Chemistry, the Nanoscience and the properties control through the molecular design are expressions which can be found more and more often in texts related with technology. This PhD Programme is developed in collaboration with the biomaGUNE Biomaterials Cooperative Research Centre in San Sebastián. The goal of this collaboration is to deepen in the knowledge in some aspects of nanosciences in which researchers from the UVigo and from the biomaGUNE perform complementary researches.

Participating universities:

  • University of Vigo

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PhD Programme in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling

Coordinator: Marcos Mandado Alonso

This PhD Programme, in which 13 universities take part, providing it with a strong interuniversity approach, is aimed at the research works development in the field of molecular modelling and quantum chemistry. This works can be both of direct application of modelling to the study of problems of chemical interest (organic, inorganic and physical chemistry) like the development of specific methodologies, models and software. The admission to this PhD programme is usually the result of doing the Master’s Degree in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling, even though it can be accessed from any official Master’s Degree in the scientific area.

Participating universities:

  • University of Vigo
  • Autonomous University of Madrid (coordinator)
  • University of Oviedo
  • University of Murcia
  • University of Valencia
  • University of Sevile
  • University of the Basque Country
  • University of Granada
  • University of Cantabria
  • Complutense University of Madrid (coordinator)
  • University Jaume I
  • University of the Balearic Islands

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