Ramón y Cajal Research Fellow
Area of Physical Chemistry
Department of Physical Chemistry
Contact information
Faculty of Chemistry
Edificio de CC Experimentais
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 130 301
Short CV
Begoña Puértolas earned her PhD in Chemistry from Universidad de Zaragoza in 2014. From 2014 to 2020 she held a postdoctoral position at ETH Zürich. Currently, she is a Distinguished Researcher at CINBIO. Her research interests focus on the development of chemocatalytic technologies for the valorization of renewable and abundant feedstocks such as CO2 and N2 in chemicals and fuels. This primarily comprises the design of heterogeneous catalysts combining state-of-the-art characterization techniques with catalytic tests and molecular modelling.
1st term
Grao en Química
V11G201V01402 | Materials chemistry
2nd term
Master in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
V11M188V01203 | Nanocatélise: Conceptos, materiais e aplicacións
1st term
On-site concerted tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Online Secretariat.