
Ramón y Cajal Research Fellow

Area of Physical Chemistry
Department of Physical Chemistry

Contact information

Faculty of Chemistry
Edificio de CC Experimentais

As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo


Short CV

Dr. Polavarapu is the principal investigator of the Materials Chemistry and Physics Gorup (MCPG) at CINBIO. He obtained an MSc in Chemistry from the University of Hyderabad (India) in 2005 and his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the National University of Singapore in 2011. After being a postdoctoral fellow at CIC biomaGUNE (bionanoplasmonics group) and University of Vigo (colloid chemistry group) in Spain, he joined the Chair for Photonics and Optoelectronics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (Germany) in 2015 as an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellow and later continued as a junior group leader until May 2020. He is a coauthor of 90 publications with an h-index of 56. His publications have received around 12000 citations. He is an Editorial board member for Nanoscale, and Nanoscale Advances, Advanced Physics Research, and Scientific Reports, a Nature Research journal and he was a guest editor for the themed collection on “Halide perovskite NCs” published in ‘Nanoscale’ (RSC Journal) in 2019. His current research interests include shape-controlled synthesis and self-assembly of metal and semiconductor nanocrystals for exploring their optical properties as well as a wide range of potential applications such as sensors, LEDs, photovoltaics and photocatalysis.


Teaching profile at UVigo

1st term

Master in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

V11M188V01103 | Ciencia de superficies e coloides
V11M188V01104 | Introdución ás Técnicas de preparación e caracterización de nanoestructuras

2nd term

Grao en Química

V11G201V01208 | Química física II: Superficies e coloides